Wednesday 16 September 2020

Factors to Consider while Choosing the Best Rolling Papers

If you are newbie in smoking and don’t have enough knowledge about tobacco and other elements that go into smoking you certainly have arrived at the right place. Cigarette connoisseurs know pretty well that smoking itself is an experience which involves more than drawing in of rolled up tobacco. The subtleties involved in the experience are impacted by the slightest of changes. Those new in smoking may not exactly be familiar with the huge difference that even the most insignificant element makes. Let us cut it short to what we want to discuss. Yes! This time it’s about rolling papers and knowing about their characteristics and how they can have an impact on your complete smoking experience. 

Whenever it comes to choosing tobacco, experienced smokers know what all they need to consider so that the quality of sensation they receive after drawing in the smoke turns out outstanding. Similarly, in this regard rolling papers too demand considerations. 

Why you must roll your joints? 

Although, these years we find pre-rolled joints available at stores the question remains if we are ready to compromise on flavours.  A majority of the bunch would rather rely on their skills for rolling up a joint which would necessarily give them the freedom to taste something more flavourful and handmade. Believe it or not, the process of rolling joints is considerably straight forward. All you will need is a good grinder and some great quality rolling papers. 

Getting a taste of Gold

Well, Literally! Experienced smokers know what it feels like to draw in that exotic smoke from tobacco rolled up with papers featuring a blend of hemp and 24K gold. Deep inside each of you have had a desire to experience something as glorious as a celebratory smoke. Get, some these 24K gold rolling papers that come with a certificate of genuineness. Although these are pricey papers, yet if luxury matters to you, go on ahead for an entire pack. 

Major considerations for choosing best grade rolling papers 

If you want to know what all it takes to choosing the Best Rolling Papers here take a look: 


Most of you may assume that rolling papers come in one and the same size. Considering that size can have a considerable impact on a smoking experience you should go through some of the common measurements chosen for rolling papers: 

Single: They are incredibly small. You will mark the difference once you roll out a cigarette from the single paper, the diameter of which is half that of a standard cigarette. 

1.25: this is a classic and a popular option giving rise to the standard cigarette. 

5: This literally defines a size bigger than the 1.25 or the standard paper. 

Doublewide: the extra wide paper can hold at least twice the amount of tobacco which a Single can roll up. 

King Size: They are certainly the largest available in the market. 

Flavoured or natural 

Another big consideration before choosing rolling papers for cigarettes is flavour of the paper. While some of you may like it to remain absolutely natural, others may love them with added flavours. According to pros in the field, natural rolling papers are healthier as they don’t let you inhale any kind of harmful material. Natural papers don’t accompany additives. 


There is a wide range of flavours to choose from. These cool flavours will range from watermelon to strawberry. 

Furthermore rolling papers are crafted chiefly of three different types of materials. While hemp papers are easily available and are eco-friendly they might taste a bit strong. Rice papers on the other hand are known for their slow burn. Wood pulp is another popular option available nowadays.

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