Monday 13 January 2020

Making A ‘Healthy’ Joint- Is It Even Possible?

The act of rolling your favourite herb using a thin sheet of paper has existed for decades. And while the process may seem pretty much the same for every joint/spliff- there are lots of factors which go into the rolling process to make cleaner, safer and better joints.

Choosing Addictive, Pesticide Free Cannabis Strains.

Stating the obvious, but selecting the right cannabis strain (without the chemicals and nastiness) is crucial for achieving a better high in each puff.

Fortunately, present-day consumers find it relatively easy to purchase pesticide-free cannabis (or if not, then very least, the ones having the least bit of pesticides like Neem oil).

But if you are new to selecting weed, then go for full flower cannabis strains which give you the full entourage effect and rich flavours truly representing the strain. Full-flower strains are also cured and come with clean grey ash which proves easy for your lungs and throat even when you inhale a cloud of smoke, back-to-back.

However, A Healthy Joint Is Not Only About The Right Herb!

In addition to the quality of the weed, using the right tobacco rolling paper is also important. Some so many notable suppliers offer chemical-free joint rolling paper to appeal to the health-conscious users.

It goes without saying that the sight of a large, perfectly rolled white joint looks amazing and can even be labelled as art. But, the truth is; this pleasing white shade veils a rather sinister-ish secret behind it.

A lot of companies bleach their rolling papers using Chlorine to give it a white appearance. And this may seem disturbing as so many consumers willfully light them up and inhale its toxic fumes mixed with their herb’s smoke.

But bleached papers aren’t the only concern when it comes to using rolling papers for making your oh-so healthy joint. You may come across so many other flavoured/coloured papers which are said to include numerous toxic chemicals. And when you use them and inhale their smoke- it causes long-term health complications.

The wise choice would be to opt for organic Hemp Papers, Rice Papers, Wood Pulp Papers or unbleached cigarette rolling papers which not only maximises the burn rates but also improve the smoking experience.

Lastly- Cut Out The Tobacco:-

Along with these two; another thing you can do to make your joint ‘healthier’ is cut out the tobacco from the mix. Nicotine is a proven mental stimulant, and its smoke can severely hamper the lungs and throat.

Many believe that improper joint filters can hamper your smoking experience. They form a barrier between the weed and the lungs but isn’t always able to filter out the tiny herb particles from getting into your mouth.

To achieve a smoother and more refined cannabis smoke; you can look to use glass filter tips. It comes with a silicone bead which filters out the tiny particles and natural tar contributing to coughing.

The Verdict:

Keep these tips in mind whenever you plan to smoke cannabis using rolling papers. Not only will it allow you to cherish every puff, you will be exposed to lesser toxins.

Also, make it a point to purchase all your smoking paper and other necessary accessories from a notable company specialising in quality products.

So, what are you waiting for…? Follow these suggestions and improve your smoking experience!

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